Feed, Feed The Starving Mouth | Frank Solanki

Feed, Feed The Starving Mouth

Feed, feed the starving mouth

Let him prosper and reign

Hunger does no good except

Bring a lot of pain

Make his wishes come true

Give him all he needs

All that you will reap tomorrow

Are but, today’s seeds





Source: Feed, Feed The Starving Mouth | Frank Solanki

Naked Ladies | The Life Project

No, I didn’t use this title so would look… but I guess you did.

Actually, that’s what these flowers are called. OK, technically, they are called Amaryllis belladonna, but I think the common name is easier to remember for some reason. They are very strange flowers because they have no leaves, just a stem that pops up in late July or early August, this year, the ones in my yard are in bloom now.

The thing is, I can’t see how they survive without leaves; even the stem is only alive for a short time. They popped up about two weeks ago, and began to bloom on Sunday. If past years are any indication, they will be done by next Sunday, and then the stem will dry up and break off, and I’ll forget we even have some in the yard… until next year.

Here’s a picture from the internet so you can get a better view…


(That was an interesting image search, but I did find what I was actually looking for eventually)

How does God make flowers that seem to defy what I learned about how plants live back in my school science class?

Even though I don’t get it, there they are every year, and every year I can only think that we have an amazing Creator!

Source: Naked Ladies | The Life Project

oh! the beautiful light and Monochrome Madness ‹ Reader — WordPress.com

Now is the time to unite the soul and the world. Now is the time to see the sunlight dancing as one with the shadows. ~Rumi

Here is the sun at last on the island!  And of course I still have much to do in preparation for the move and I’m perpetually behind,  but in homage to the late afternoon here is

my offering to Leanne Cole’s Monochrome Madness 3-15

and my lovely deck terrace. The evening light was amazing the other night. The geraniums sang electrified

I remember the old Kirkyard in Fort William as the sun went down and shadow ghosts crept backward from the stones

Rejoice in the Sun- Joan Baez – download but go to blog to play audio

 Take care of the Earth, it’s the only one we have

Source: oh! the beautiful light and Monochrome Madness ‹ Reader — WordPress.com

I Said No (To Something I’d Been Looking Forward to) | Anonymously Autistic


Every time I publish a blog about being tough and pushing yourself, there are always comments complaining that I am not paying enough attention to self care.

Yes it is possible to practice self care while pushing yourself. I do it every single day.

In the morning, when my sensory issues bother me the most, it is hard for me to get out of bed but I PUSH myself to do it anyway because I know the pain is only temporary. I try to brush my teeth, because doing so is good for me, but if the sensation is too much to handle on any given day I will stop.

I like to touch my limits, but..[..]



Source: I Said No (To Something I’d Been Looking Forward to) | Anonymously Autistic

The Outsider | Writings By Ender


A Collection of Articles, Poems and Short Stories

Even the sweet peppermint and frothy eggnog of winter couldn’t wash away Derek’s bitter fall. It was disappointing the moment it started with a massive snowstorm. Derek despised snow; the way it impeded everyone’s life reminded him of nature’s cold indifference.

Derek took a walk around the block of his apartment building. He was smiling again, slightly, but still. Christmas might not have ditched the fall which was bitter and coarse like Turkish coffee, but the memories associated with it temporarily vanished in the holiday cheer. He walked along a sidewalk that ran parallel to the city park in which he usually relaxed. Today he wanted to walk passed it but stopped abruptly. Derek heard the distant echo from fall embodied by the sound of a trombone. He forced himself to listen, but straining made him taste the grit of coffee. It was then, as he was straining, that he recalled his disappointment.

He wanted to turn back immediately,

Source: The Outsider | Writings By Ender

the first steps of a thousand miles | T Ibara Photo


*By clicking on the image(s) you can see the larger version(s).

©T Ibara Photo(茨原 孝貞)

©T Ibara Photo (Takami Ibara)
All images on this site are copyrighted by Takami Ibara (茨原 孝貞). Any and all use of materials on this site without prior written consent is strictly prohibited.

Source: 旅立ち/the first steps of a thousand miles | T Ibara Photo

Advertisements from long, long ago — Marriage Savers™ edition | bluebird of bitterness


Post by @bitterbluebird.

go to sauce for more tips on how to keep your man

Source: Advertisements from long, long ago — Marriage Savers™ edition | bluebird of bitterness

True Railroad Stories: The Coal Toss – seekthebestblog

Greetings Readers!

If you read my ‘about’ page you may remember me mentioning that my father would be making contributions to my blog.

Today, he decided to share a ‘feel good’ story from his time as a conductor on the railroad.  It is important to note that this is a true story; and frankly, it is my favorite.


– Gwin

The Coal Toss

     Many years ago, I was a young railroad conductor who was in charge of a train running between two major cities in the South. At that time, I had a beautiful wife and together we had two healthy children.  I felt very fortunate to be able to provide a comfortable living for myself and my family.
     Anyway, I had been working the same train route for several years so I was very familiar with the surrounding areas.  Oftentimes, I would get to know the people who lived and worked in the smaller towns along the way.  But of all of those places, one place sticks out in my mind for sentimental reasons.  Basically,  it was a tiny ragged shack where a mother and several small children lived.  I remember how the children, whose clothes were always torn and tattered, would run outside and wave to me and my crew whenever we passed by.
     When winter came, I would think about this poor mother with her children.  I thought about how cold they must have been at night.  I also thought about how warm my own children were in my home.[more]

Source: True Railroad Stories: The Coal Toss – seekthebestblog

Photo Vistas

My journey in pictures

The Drama-Free Club

''Everyday Inspiration''

Father Hanly

Words of Wisdom, Kindness and Hope

Heaven's Sunshine

Capturing the beauty of God's creation through the lens of a camera

Bijbelvorser = Bible Researcher

A topnotch WordPress.com site about God's Word, the Bible, and the history of Christianity

Tish Farrell

Writer on the Edge

Pix Down under

For the following challenges: Flower of The Day, Water Water Everywhere and Weekend Sky+,



Pilgrimage Studio

A Journey of Spiritual Significance

Through Griffin's Lens

One teacher's view of the world around him.


Refugees welcome - Flüchtlinge willkommen I am teaching German to refugees. Ich unterrichte geflüchtete Menschen in der deutschen Sprache. I am writing this blog in English and German because my friends speak English and German. Ich schreibe auf Deutsch und Englisch, weil meine Freunde Deutsch und Englisch sprechen.

Still Restlessjo

Roaming, at home and abroad


Places in Australia waiting for your "G'day"


En fotoblogg



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photography, poetry, paintings

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Die wandelende opinie

Out of My Write Mind

The blog of Sandy J. White

Cath's Camera

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Begaafde Kind Suid-Afrika

Saam kan ons ‘n verskil maak

Dr. Christa van Staden

Opvoedkundige, navorser, blogger en skrywer

My interfaith adventures

Come journey with me through Quran and Bible, learn to love and understand.


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This, that and the other thing

Looking at life through photography and words

Zombie Flamingos

A journey into bloggerdom

Ruth Blogs Here

Or not, depending on my mood


Getting lost is not a waste of time



My Back Yard

Gardening with perennials

Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

Welcome to the Anglo Swiss World


Photoblog by ScootyPuffs

pictures imperfect blog

imperfect pictures


Christian inspirational photography and poetry

Maria Vincent Robinson

Photographer Of Life and moments


quiet moments in nature

Yolanda and her creative scream

Aspergers syndrome, bipolarity, photography, art, poetry.

Maliphant Dee

Completely Maliphant and Certainly Dee

Little Pieces Of Me

Everyone Has Something To Teach Us


Photo blogging and living a good life